Water-Energy Nexus: How Water Conservation Saves Energy & Reduces Costs


Water-Energy Nexus: How Water Conservation Saves Energy & Reduces Costs
The water-energy nexus highlights how water conservation reduces energy consumption. Discover how IoT devices, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient systems can lower costs and enhance sustainability.

Water Energy Nexus

Energy and Water systems are interdependent. Water is used for every type of energy production. All types of power generation consume water either to process the raw materials used in the facility, constructing and maintaining the plant, or to just generate the electricity itself. Hydroelectric power used water to generate energy, and this water can be used downstream, instead of removing it completely from the system. Thermoelectric and nuclear generators require water for cooling down the plants among others. Even renewable energy generators like solar and windmills, which does not consume water for energy generation still require water for the building the generators itself.

Energy generation can contaminate water sources, and the water used in generation even if not consumed can be polluted rendering it unusable for human consumption. Similarly, energy is consumed for extracting, transporting, purifying , heating/cooling and delivering water, and disposing of wastewater. Desalination plants in areas with a shortage of freshwater uses enormous amounts of energy, primarily from oil to run. In fact, GCC spends 10-25% of its generated electric power on desalination.

In general, it is easier to save energy than to generate energy. Same holds true for water. Freshwater sources are limited, and saving water is the only way to go to meet the needs of the planet. Saving water saves on energy usages, and the lesser the demand for energy, lesser the water used in generating it. We can adopt numerous methods to conserve water and energy in our homes and communities to ensure a healthier world. At a larger level, closed loop water systems reduce the pressure on energy resources. Water transport requires energy, be it pumping and transport from faraway places or transport through tankers. Rainwater harvesting and treatment plants within local facilities that treat, and reuse water can help the environment and reduce energy requirements and operational costs. Water efficient systems, like low0flow fixtures and dual flush toilets can reduce water consumption and the energy used for pumping and treatment. Using appliances with higher energy rating and lower water consumption and turning off electrical devices and monitors when not in use can give significant reduction in your water and energy bills.

Adopting IoT devices that monitors real time energy and water usages and track leaks can help enhance your water and energy conservation efforts. Data from IoT devices can be used to identify inefficiencies and address them in time. Potential energy savings associated with water conservation can be determined at an individual household level easily by measuring the usage at source.

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